Sunday, December 23, 2007

Remembering Our Troops At Christmas

Out of all the Christmas videos I've seen from the candidates on both sides of the political spectrum, I think that Fred Thompson's campaign did the best job:

h/t Ace of Spades

With all the hustle and bustle of the Holidays, and the focus on faith and family, things like this remind us that no matter what our political views are we should take a moment to say "thanks" to the men and women in uniform who defend our freedoms. Many of them are away from their loved ones because of their service and just a simple "thank you" can help brighten their day. If you want to do more, and can spare anything, please consider giving to a worthy cause that supports our soldiers, sailors, Airmen an Marines. Here are some that I particularly recommend:

  • America Supports You
  • Any Soldier
  • Armed Forces Children's Education Fund
  • Armed Forces Relief Trust
  • Fisher House
  • Help For Heroes (for our Brit friends, who've stood by us countless times)
  • Operation Gratitude
  • Project Valour I/T
  • Semper Fi Fund
  • USO

    Merry Christmas everbody!

    (this is also posted over at Gay Patriot)


    JohnAGJ said...

    Et cum spiritu tuo! ;-)