Saturday, January 17, 2009

BSG: Adama & Roslin

There are many reasons why Battlestar Galactica is just one of the best TV shows ever, one of which is the strength of the characters. The relationship between Bill Adama & Laura Roslin is certainly one of my favorites. Not a bad a fan vid...


Captain Elias said...

Hi! Really cool blog, glad I found it. I too love BSG. You think Rosalyn's gonna last till the end? And what do you think of Ellen being named as the last cylon?

JohnAGJ said...

Thanks, Cap'n! It was rather weird that Ellen is the last of the Final Five. I thought it would be Bill Adama or Roslin. Still, she is an intriguing character and given her rocky relationship with Col. Tigh, not to mention her death at his hands, how this is explained should be interesting. Of course, Tigh could be wrong and she isn't the final Cylon but it is someone else. Guess we'll find out...

Anonymous said...

Nice video.

While we certainly don't agree politically.. we do agree that this truly is one of the best shows on TV, probably THE BEST. As a long time trekker, thats pretty hard to admit.. Sorry to see the show coming to an end but prefer it to go out on top as opposed to some shows which go on well past their expiration date. Hoping Caprica is at least half as good...