Sunday, May 27, 2007

How to tell if you're gay

Pretty good video. A sailor puts together some suggestive photos in making this parody for the guys in his unit. Add the Southpark "Rainbow Song" and this one is worth a watch. Some cute guys too always helps...


Unknown said...

too funny... have agreat weekend and i am going to try and get a few shots of chris half nekkid for you today....

JohnAGJ said...

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, why dost thou tempt me so? Not that I'm complaining mind you, but still... ;-) Have a great weekend, the pics are wonderful at your site -- and I'm talking about more than just those of Chris. Take care.

Douglas said...

I knew gay servicemembers, at "the apple house" in okinawa there are a lot of broken off portions of the club, it's almost as if they hide the bar so that you MUST break into everyones private area, and I met a bunch of homo servicemembers.

I knew one of them, he was a cool cat, so, to keep him from getting all terrified, I socialized with them, and all cool cats, and pretty much all the dudes were in at least as good a shape as me, and I don't think a single woman rated, but then again none of the women were marines.

After about a half an hour of me proving my pro-gay bone fide's I shook everyones hand (though some of the homo-dudes insisted on a cheek kiss, I think as a final test maybe) I walked away.

I ran into a couple of the others (the ones who weren't the one I already knew) during joint excercises and stuff.

I never got the "homophobia" when it isn't actually "homophobia" it is little people wanting to be superior to someone, and "homo's" are the targeted class for those small people, cuz, hey, you know what? I'm FLATTERED when I get hit on by a homo, but you ain't gonna fuck me, though I might take your lesbian guardian for a spin :) and her girlfriend is invited.

JohnAGJ said...

Would that more people felt as you do, Douglas. Frankly, other than as eye-candy straight guys to me are a turn-off. Why? Because unless they are weird, nobody likes the idea of having sex with someone who doesn't like it or even worse is repulsed by an intimate touch from you. No, straight guys make good friends and may fuel some occasional fantasies but nothing more.